Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm disappointed in you. I admit I'm. Although I tried very hard not to get angry nor disappointed in you, I can't help it.

You told me you want to earn loads of money and asked me to push you into my company to work. I helped you and you got the job. The very first month, you showed so much aggression and hard work, I thought: Yes, you can make it. We are going to be a good team and let our boss know even though we are young, but we can still do it better than the any other "adults".
But you have to know that "Not everyday is a Sunday" theory. You are not messing up the accounts, but have you ever think that did you really put in 100% hard work?
Or because of the lot that you had drawn at the temple, so you think no matter how hard you try, your effort will not be recognized? If that is the case, even if you find your favorite job, the outcome will still be the same.
The chance is given to you...

Seriously, I'm sick of people asking me about you. Even though I'm not obligated to help you to explain, but I think I have the right to help you explain, because you are my best friend and I was the one who introduce this job to you.

Eventually, it is still your choice and even though I will respect your decision, but I want to know if you ever did put in 100% effort to this job.


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